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Artificial Intelligence and Patents - Cover Image
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Artificial Intelligence and Patents

Should the AI/ML revolution in the Software industry impact the patentability of Software?

SPR5: A Business Method Masquerading as an Invention - Cover Image
SPR5: A Business Method Masquerading as an Invention

Business methods should not be granted patents under the Indian Patents Act. Unfortunately, the ground reality is that they are being 20 year long monopolies

SPR4: Safe Communications Patent Makes Software Development Risky - Cover Image
SPR4: Safe Communications Patent Makes Software Development Risky

A patent granted to IBM on Secure Key Exchange will make software development insecure.

The geopolitics of software patenting
The geopolitics of software patenting

Indian Hockey’s steep decline after astroturf became the playing field should serve as a cautionary tale to Indian policy makers. Allowing software patents could be Indian IT’s astroturf moment.

SPR3: AI Patents and the Abyss of Ambiguity - Cover Image
SPR3: AI Patents and the Abyss of Ambiguity

With AI being the buzzword of the year, it is no surprise that AI patents applications are mushrooming. We review a few and find that they make overbroad claims.

The Chokehold of Software Patents: How They Stifle Startup Innovation - Cover Image
The Chokehold of Software Patents: How They Stifle Startup Innovation

The myth is that allowing software patenting in India will help startups. In this article we critically examine this myth and find that the opposite is true.

SPR2: You may have to pay to cast your vote! - Cover Image
SPR2: You may have to pay to cast your vote!

In this Software Patents Review, we review a patent that grants a 20 year monopoly on online voting. Will the Election Commission of India have to pay royalties if they adopt a similar system?

FOSS United's comments on draft NDTSP - Cover Image
FOSS United's comments on draft NDTSP

Read our Comments on the National Deep Tech Startup Policy (NDTSP)

Software Patents Review #1 dated 15/01/2024 - Cover Image
Software Patents Review #1 dated 15/01/2024

For the purpose of this review we checked for patents filed from 01/12/2023 till 12/01/2024 at the website. A search from granted patents returned zero results whil

FOSS United's comments on Patent Manual 2023 - Cover Image
FOSS United's comments on Patent Manual 2023

Read our Comments on the Patent Manual

Protecting FOSS as Digital Commons - Cover Image
Protecting FOSS as Digital Commons

Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) has created a massive digital commons that benefits everyone. However, FOSS is threatened by software patents that are 20-year monopolies on computational ideas

Software Patent Litigation: A (Very) Costly Affair - Cover Image
Software Patent Litigation: A (Very) Costly Affair

India is very fortunate that we have seen very little software patent litigation. However, things could change soon as there is constant pressure on policy makers to enable software patents.